Learn Wicca / Wicca 101 / Faerie Tradition

Bardic Magic

Evening Message
by Phoebe Wray

I am walking, Mother,
the way you told me
the Way you told me
it is snowing
and I am not cold.

I am dreaming, Mother
the way you taught me
the Way you taught me
all is brightness
and I am sheltered.

I am living, Mother
the way you sang me
the Way you sang me
the song is new
and I know the notes.

Copyright, Phoebe Wray

A Way To End a Ritual
by Geoffrey Cohen

Now a great and difficult task still remains:
to bring what we have done here and now back into the mundane!

Why, you ask, must we do this?
Because this is where most of us spend most of our time.
Because this is the plane that really needs it.

How can this task be accomplished?

By spending a few moments each day remembering what we've done here and now,
By remembering and taking a few moments each morning,
and dressing ourselves again in beauty,
in the beauty of our spell.


By looking around you each day and seeing where magic has touched others;
Perhaps even by responding as if it is your spell you're seeing.
For it is!

And how would you react to seeing your desire
opening up into full glory,
out of the blue,
at work or at school,
at the park or in a store,
or even on the bus?


Copyright, Geoffrey Cohen 1996

A Blessing For Food
by Geoffrey Cohen

Thank you food for sacrificing yourself for me.
For your death provides me with life.
Your energy becomes my energy,
and I become you.
So I pray to you to share with me what gifts you can,
and I thank you and honor you.

Blessed Be!.

Copyright, Geoffrey Cohen 1996

Teen Prayer
by Jonathan Schulte

goddess guiad me though the night
as i leurn your old ways.
Teach me the way to fallow your path
dont let me go astray.
As i study leurn and practice
make my day all it can be
Keep me in mind as i work my rituals
Dont let evil seep in my heart for i love you so

A Bed Time Prayer, for All Ages
by Autumn FalconWolf

Lady feed us at your breast
Lord protect us in our rest
Brightest Blessings! is the call!
Family, coven, clan and all.

The main page of The Wiccan & Faerie Grimoire of Francesca De Grandis